Welcome to my site!
I'm an Art educator living in Orange County CA. I like to draw and eat Korean BBQ with my friends. I also enjoy building furniture from ikea. I have a box full of random things that will someday contribute to my soon to be flourishing art practice. Mostly though I aspire to work with students to nurture their creativity and imaginations. Often my mind races about lesson ideas or discussion i would love to have about art. To me art was a means of understanding the importance of trial and error. It was a process that taught me perseverance and rewarded my hard work. I want to provide that esperience for students. I imagine an enviroment where students feel emboldened to take creative risks and push themselves into territory they arents familiar with. I want my studens to feel comfortable making mistakes. Teaching my students that mistakes are an essential prat to learning and life as a whole is a core motivator for me. I love art because through this wild process that takes my emotions hostage and engages me entirely, I end up with a very tangible, very showoff-able result. Like an artifact that commemorates the brutal slef imposed struggle I endured in my own microcosm. I love to draw and paint and build but mostly i love to work with others i love to see people learnin
Classes Taken
Cypress Community College
Documentary Digital Cinema
Electronic Paint for Mac
Two-Dimensional Design
Beginning Life Drawing
Three Dimensional Design
Beginning Painting
Intro to 2D animation
Survey of Art History I
Survey of Art history II
Intermediate Life Drawing
Computer Graphics Studio
Digital Imaging for Windows
Fullerton Community College
Storyboarding and narrative composition
Fundamentals of Cartooning
Oceanic, African and Indigenous Art History
Early Chrsitian and Byzantine Art
Anatomy for the Artist
Life Painting
Artist in their own Words x3
Intro to Sculpture
Intermediate Sculpture
Illustration II
Illustration I
Intro to rendering